RF3000 (Rx) Features
- 1.8 GHz to 3.8 GHz RF Input Range
- 300 MHz to 500 MHz Mid IF Filtering Range
- 10 MHz to 100 MHz Low IF Output Range
- Supports either FDD or TDD applications
- Stage 1 Noise Figure as low as 3.5dB
- Meets phase noise performance requirements for single-carrier, multi-carrier, and OFDM applications
- 90dB of Dynamic Gain Control
- Low external component count
- Single 5V supply
- I dd (Typ.) = 260mA; I shutdown (Typ.) = 18mA
- 40 pin QFN package
RF2000 (Tx) Features
- 1.8 GHz to 3.8 GHz RF Output Range
- 300 MHz to 500 MHz Mid IF Filtering Range
- 10 MHz to 100 MHz Low IF Input Range
- Supports either FDD or TDD applications
- Total Dynamic Gain Range ~ 50dB (typ)
- P out (ave) target ~ 0dBm
- Stage 2 IIP3 ~ 0dBm at full gain
- Stage 2 includes an Image Reject Mixer
- Meets phase noise performance requirements for single-carrier, multi-carrier, and OFDM applications
- Ultra-low Spurious Levels
- Single 5V Supply
- I dd (Typ.) = 260mA; I shutdown (Typ.) = 16mA
- 40 pin QFN package